I visited the Housatonic Art Musuem in Bridgeport, which is located at Housatonic Community College inside Lafayette Hall. It brags that is has the "one of the most significant collections of any two-year college in the country" and even features art by Picasso and Rodin. I was able to photograph the following art while the security guards tried to figure out if this practice was allowed. Luckily, one of the guards is a retired New Haven police officer who I used to order clothing and equipment for so I got the "do it quickly" approval.

Untitled, 1968 by Craig Kauffman is a vacuum molded plexiglass form. It reminds me of a light fixture or a medicine pill.

This is titled Halley's Comet, 1985, by
Nicolas Krushenick.

White Moner made from gypsum and metal by Bronislaw Kierzkowski, 1965.
I found the museum at Housatonic to be very nice. They have a central gallery that features artwork of students. I think the concept of highlighting student art with accomplished art is a nice touch.

White Moner made from gypsum and metal by Bronislaw Kierzkowski, 1965.
Interesting that you had this to compare to going to the Met! Having work available for students to see is a great thing.